
Jun 18, 2009

Things I Love Thursday

- Coffee
Coffee almost always tops my list. I Love Coffee!

- Chocolate Milk
Creamy, smooth, chocolaty milk. Mmmm.

- Walks
I've been going for walks with Jasmine every day this week. Even though she's completely foolish on the leash still, I've really enjoyed our daily walks. Plus it's been sunny and hot, which is a bonus.

- The Sims 3
I've been a huge sims fan since the original game. I really am enjoying this newest version. I like that the sims can walk around their neighbor hoods now, and am having fun learning all the new features.

- Alice and Kev
Speaking of The Sims 3, this is the story of two homeless sims. I know, it sounds kind of dull, but it's actually pretty internesting.

- My Clothes Line
When we first moved into our house, we didn't have a clothes line. It didn't much matter at the time, because it was February, but once it warmed up I really wanted to be able to hang my clothes outside again. The boyfriend put up a clothes line for me a few weeks ago. yay! Bonuses - it's good for the environment AND my power bill will be lower!

- etc.
Teal nail polish, the tv shows Royal Pains, Burn Notice & Mental, sitting on my back deck sipping beer, yellow finches & nuthatches, my strawberry plants (some of the berries are starting to turn red!), my new garden out front and This (click it. Seriously it's really funny).


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