I finished two books on the very first day of August. Going Candid, A free, downloadable street photography how-to and The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun
Other highlights of my month: I got to see my brother and sister-in-law. A family friend gave me a laptop (I had to buy a new battery for it, but still). I had some job interviews. I went to some farm markets. Went to camp day (open house) at Camp Aldershot. Did a lot of writing, walking and closest cleaning.
A few movies I watched this month that I would recommend: Whip It!
I also like to think of August as the end of Summer (even though Fall doesn't officially start for several weeks). Want to know some things I've learned this summer? I like medium dry white wine better then all other wines (But my parent's wildberry wine is a close second!). My Style Statement is Comfortable Creative. I learned how to make a salad that had no greens and a pasta that included beer as an ingredient. (Among other things) What did you learn this summer? How was your August?
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