
May 28, 2010

Things I Love...Friday

I wrote this all up yesterday, and then I totally forgot to post it. Oops. So anyway, lets pretend it's Thursday. Or whatever.

Things I love:

Coffee, yogurt, goals, old fashioned sour cream glazed donuts, TV Shows: Castle, Dark Angel, Dollhouse & NCIS, Memo and Jasmine, The Boyfriend (especially when I forget my coffee at home, and he drops it off to me later on. Without being asked. or expected. Yay! Day Saved!), Not being Sick, new notebooks, new pens, thin burger buns, burgers! with bacon! and cheese!, writing reviews, almonds, reading in the sunshine, tulips, exercise, sleeping well, maps, videos of adorable animals, sandals and capris, Pizza with bacon, hot peppers, pineapple and feta cheese (seriously, you have no idea how awesome this was), the smell of lilacs, The Apple Blossom Festival is this weekend! - Looking forward to (maybe) going to the fireworks, the parade and...I don't know...whatever else happens, taking photos, cooking, My new bbq, hanging out with friends, chinchillas (you know those hamster ball things?  did you know they make chinchilla sized one? They're totally hilarious), kittens, salad with creamy poppy seed dressing.


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