
Jan 28, 2010

Things I Love Thursday

Coffee, Chips and Dip, Family, The boyfriend, the puppy and kitty, sleeping in, Johnny Horton's Battle of New Orleans, crokino, Bacon And Eggs, inspiration, ideas, making lists, exercise, feeling stronger, fun dreams that I actually remember, getting rid of things, laughing, getting mail, giant squid, Honey Bunches of Oats (especially the kind with strawberries), Lounging around in PJ pants, finding working pens randomly near my desk (Hmm...where did that come from? Wait, who cares it works!), top hats with legs, entering contests - even though I never win, signing up for free samples, listening to music in the morning, light grey, new projects, continuing projects, finishing things, old weathered signs, That Thursday is almost Friday and Friday is almost Saturday (and then I get to sleep in again!).


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