
Jan 3, 2010

Week in Review, Week Ahead

The first Sunday of 2010! New week, new beginnings. This is the last day of my second 3 day weekend in a row. What a great start to the year! Thursday was new years eve, which went great. We went out, we had fun, we kissed at midnight And New Years Day was spent recovering. I'd like to do less recovering in the new year, I think.

Two new things I learned this week:

  1.   The okapi has a tongue long enough to lick its own ears (via this mental_floss article)
  2.  An ounce of pickled ginger can temporarily raise your IQ by as many as 10 points. (fact found via Factropolis)

Need something cool to look at/read? Here's what I found this week:

It's day 3 of the new year, but if you're still grasping at resolutions and whatnot, check out Getting Organized for 2010 over at iCiNG. It's a great read, for sure!

5 Toys with Dark Histories Note to self: do not go to kite festivals in Pakistan.

Top 10 Tips for Dynamite Digital Photography

Awesome funny bacon quote.

Looking to the Week ahead, I'm going to do some push ups. I'm going to work on my happiness project, especially keeping in mind Act how you want to feel and Look good, Feel Good and Do it Now.

What are you up to this week?


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