
Oct 6, 2010

Hey, Lets Celebrate!

Looking for a reason to Celebrate? How about one of these holidays:

Today, October 6th, is Mad Hatter Day. It was created in 1986 by a group of "computer people" as a day to be silly and celebrate silliness. Think about what silly means to you, and do that.

Tomorrow, October 7th, is World Smile Day. Take some time out to do an act of kindness and make someone smile! While you're at it, throw a smile on your own face.

This Friday is the second Friday of October, meaning it's World Egg Day! Cook up your favorite egg dish (Eggs Benedict? Poached Eggs on Toast? Green Eggs and Ham?), or maybe fry up some bacon and eggs and have breakfast for supper.

Saturday is Fire Prevention Day. Actually, it's now Fire Prevention Week, but the 9th is a particularly important part of the week, as it's the anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Check the batteries in your smoke alarms, make sure you know your fire escape routes and know where your fire extinguishers are. If those things are not celebrate-y enough for you...I don't know, throw a party and don't light anything on fire. Or do. But do it safely.

Monday is Thanksgiving here in Canada. I'm going to camp and we're going to deep fry a turkey (which I am very excited about). Normally, people celebrate by eating lots of food and gathering with family. It's also National Angel food Cake Day, if that's more your style.

What are your celebrating this week?



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