
Oct 9, 2010

It's Thanksgiving Weekend!

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving Weekend! I love this holiday. It is my absolute favorite. My family doesn't have a lot of traditions. That's not to say that we don't do lots of awesome stuff together, but there are few things that we do (almost) every year. For Thanksgiving, we have traditions. We go out to Waterloo Lake, to a camp on an island. It's my family, a bunch of family friends, sometimes some extended family, and other random people that happen to show up on any given year. It's different every year, but it's kind of the same too. And it's always a blast.

Picture of the camp from this past summer.
This year, we're deep frying a turkey. How awesome is that? Sadly there will (probably) be no Good Eats esq. safety apparatus (starts at 3:16 or so...there is a flashing light. It's incredible), but it should be interesting. There will also probably be pumpkin carving. There usually is.

There's never a bad time to think about all the things you're thankful for, but if you're not in the habit of doing it regularly, why not start this weekend? I am lucky to have so much in my life to be thankful for. Including, but not limited to: My fiance, my family, friends, a steady job, my own home, my snuggley hound dog and my fluffy kitty. I know I'll be thinking about those things this weekend. While stuffing my face with deep fried goodness and drinking too much home made wine.

My weekly review post will probably be mega late, but it will definitely be up by Tuesday, at the latest.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.


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