
Oct 15, 2010

The Month is Halfway Through!

It is October 15th! The month is about halfway through. I'll tell ya, this year has been flying by. So, what's been happening in October so far?

I went on Wolfville's Gravely Ghost Walk. I learned some great local history and it was very entertaining. I wish I could have taken more pictures, but it was dark and I didn't want to disturb the atmosphere with my flash. I'd recommend it though, and there are few more shows (Thursday October 21st, Friday October 29th & Saturday October 30th) if you're in the area. There is a cost, but it's only $10 ($5 for children) and it's worth it!

I went wine tasting at Gaspereau Vineyards with a huge group. My mom got a wine tasting package for her birthday, so we went on the Friday before Thanksgiving. I'd never been wine tasting before. It was fun. I found some wines I really enjoyed (and I few I didn't). My favorites were the ice wines. They're really sweet, so you only want a little at a time, but oh so good. My absolute favorite was the maple wine, and I think second would probably be the Chardonnay.

Thanksgiving was the second weekend of October. I LOVE Thanksgiving. We go out to a camp on an island and have a huge party, more or less. There was pumpkin carving, deep fried turkey, family, was definitely an eat, dink and be merry type of event. It was crazy cold but it might have been the first year ever that it didn't rain on us at all.

New things I've tried/done: Went wine tasting, ate an Asian white pear (they're really good. Juicy and crunch and sweet, but not too sweet.) and ate deep fried turkey.

How's October going for you?



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