
Oct 17, 2010

Week in Review, Week Ahead

Happy Sunday! I've been on vacation for the last week. Back to work tomorrow! I wanted to get lots of cleaning done, relax, eat healthier and go on some major walks. Relax -check! Walks -check! Eat healthier...uh, half a check? ditto on the cleaning. I developed a pretty awful cold towards the middle of the week, which made getting anything done even more of a battle. Plus, when I have a cold (unlike most other sicknesses) all I want to do is eat. It's weird.


Today is Wear Something Gaudy Day. Do with that what you will.

As you may or may not be aware, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This past Friday, in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia a group raised $20,000 for breast cancer research when they attempted to break the world record for the longest ever soccer match. They didn't make it due to wind and rain (leading to five players getting injured) but they made a great effort and I'm proud to say that this was attempted in my home province. Way to go!

Here are a whole bunch of links to cupcakes in jars

(accurate) PI necklace - too cool!

XXX family feud - it's not really xxx, but the video may be NSFW. SO FUNNY. "I said the medical terminology!" lol

9 Spooky Halloween Party Treats My fav are the eyeballs for martinis!

20 Wet (and not so Happy) Kitties - Awwww! Wet kitties!

Speaking of kitty photos, this one is awesome!

I've been looking at way too much wedding stuff online recently. Even if you're not into that sort of thing, you should check out this wedding profile, if only to see a mustached VW Bug. Total coolness.

LOLCat Link - Ew. Goggie Jirms. Also LOLturtles: Impostors will be NOMMED

How to Spread Happiness from Basic Instructions webcomic. 

And finally 20 Life Lessons a Wise Man Would Share

This week, I'm going to start off with lots of rest to kick this cold while at the same time go back to work after being off for a little over a week. That should go well.

What's up with you this week?


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