
Dec 24, 2009

Things I Love Thursday

It's Christmas eve!!!, Coffee, Christmas trees, Decorations, rice, Getting my voice back (YAY!!!!), Skullcrusher Mountain("Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?"), family, friends, holiday parties, giving love, three day weekends, kitties and puppies, chocolate, birds in the snow, food shaped like other food, pay day, trees, piles of pretty wrapped presents, cucumber slices, oranges, "I think I need more jumping in my life." <--this quote is cute and made my morning, cookies - especially at 8:30am! I don't know why, but they taste better early in the morning, Quick oats oatmeal, Oi! to the world, Christmas time (Oh Yeah) by Barenaked Ladies, photos of puppies in bowls of cupcake batter (Seriously), orange sweaters, fuzzy ultra soft fleece, rabbit pot pie, deer roast with mashed potatoes and gravy, a boyfriend who cooks me good food :), my fiber-optic Santa Christmas tree topper, Dogs with antlers & cats with Santa hats.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all! :)


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